Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sweet bloggy friends!!

I've received about 5 new fabric squares from 1 local friend and 2 of my e-friends! Let me just say how much I appreciate all of my adoptive friends and e-friends. I cannot imagine what adoption must have been like before the age of the www! The support and encouragement through emails, comments, facebook and just generally reading other blogs is immense and so important. I believe any big step like this cries out for others in a similar situation. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you bloggy friends and everyone else who has stopped to give an encouraging word. (BTW, I apologize for the quality of the pictures... they don't do the colors in the fabrics justice!)

This one is from my very good friend and fellow adoptive parent, Noelle, who has been a huge local support during this process. She and her family welcomed their baby girl from Ethiopia at Christmastime in 2007. The fabric is a batik from a quilt that she did for her little one.

These three cute cute cute fabrics were sent by my bloggy friend, Tiffanie who welcomed her first adopted daughter from Taiwan in Sept 2008. Her family is still logged in to the NSN line for adoption from China. God bless her, I love reading her blog because of the honesty with which she writes. Check it out, I highly recommend it!

This last, but not least, one is from my bloggy friend, Elizabeth. I apologize profusely to her especially because the background color is horrible in the picture and looks nothing like the sweet fabric that it is in real life! Elizabeth has had a bumpy road already in her adoption from China and she's not even finished with her home study. However, she has such a great faith that I know she is going to be fine. I'm so glad to know her. She could definitely use some prayers.


  1. Hello! I am M ยช Eugenia future Ethiopian mother of a child.
    We are doing the quilt with a hundred wishes, so if you want to exchange fabrics and desire contact with me.
    I am Spanish and translated with google.
    My email:

  2. Love all the the fabrics you received. I'm still holding on to all the squares we received for Morgan Fay. We'll let God take the lead!
