Monday, May 11, 2009


Well, this sort of has to be one of my favorites because it was chosen by one of my favorite people. This is from Ping Ping's oldest brother, Samuel! When I told Samuel that we were going to the fabric store to pick out some fabric for the quilt, he boldly walked into the store and declared, "I want some pirate fabric!" He was so sure that Ping Ping would just love pirate fabric (not to mention that he is very into pirates right now) and that was what it had to be, no discussion. So, I led him to the pirate fabric section and after nixing a few that were just too, um, shall we say, violent? (at one point, he yelled in a very loud voice in a very quiet store, "LOOK Mom! GUNS!!" I just cringed and said something like,"heh heh, yeah-- hey buddy, how about this one??") I allowed him the fun of a less bloody pirate print. Enjoy!

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